Everything You Need to Know About Becoming "Job Ready"

Job Ready Tip #1: Thank You Notes

In Follow-up, Interview, Job Ready, Job Ready Tip, Job Search on April 6, 2011 at 11:32 pm

Job Ready Tip Number 1:  Handwrite and Mail/Deliver Thank You Notes.

In a market with TONS more applicants than open job positions, wouldn’t you want to do everything you possibly could to help you land a job? I would.

That’s what struck me about this blog post I just read on culpwrit, titled “Wow Factor: Handwritten Thank You.”

Notice what the author writes here:

“Our wise receptionist . . . stopped me Friday morning to show me something she’s never seen before: three hand-written envelopes containing thank-you notes.”

Each of these handwritten thank you notes were prepared by a smart job candidate for the three individuals who had

A professional Thank You card.

conducted the interviews, and each commented on how “unusual” and “memorable” such a gesture was.

Memorable. Unusual.

Wow! Sounds like EXACTLY the results I’d want after interviewing with a prospective employer (or client).


As simple as it might sound, if you want to help prospective employers remember you in a good way, then mail or hand-deliver a handwritten Thank You Note after the fact to the person you met with (one that will arrive within 1-3 days). And if you met with more than one person, send each their own handwritten Thank You Note.

I know that’s really basic, even obvious. However, something so basic might be the one thing you do that gets you invited back for a 2nd interview or helps you land the job.

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