Everything You Need to Know About Becoming "Job Ready"

Posts Tagged ‘Selling’

The Backstory Behind Job Ready

In Brigham Young University, Job Ready, Uncategorized on March 21, 2011 at 7:31 pm

To begin to understand what Job Ready means, it will probably help to share a bit about me and my background.

Although I didn’t know it when I was young, I’ve been in sales since I was 10-years-old. I was raised in the San Francisco Bay Area by good parents in a poor-to-middle class family as the eldest of five kids (two of whom were handicapped) that were born six-and-a-half years apart. When

Isn't that a cool-looking 3-speed Stingray bike?

I realized that my parents could not afford to buy me a three-speed Schwinn Stingray bicycle, I decided to take matters into my own hands by sending away for a Christmas card catalog found in an ad in the back of my Boy’s Life magazine.

The premise was simple: Sell 35 boxes of Christmas cards and earn a bike. So that’s what I did. I went door to door, I called on relatives, I bugged people at our Church, I approached just about anyone. And after a few months, I had sold 36 boxes of Christmas cards. Boy did I look cool on my bright yellow Schwinn Stingray bike with its metallic gold banana seat, the three-speed shifter and the wheelie bar I added on the back.

As it turns out, I also had a bit of the go-getter or hustler in me. That’s how I ended up collecting newspapers, aluminum cans, and boxes and boxes of broken glass to pay for my way for a month-long trip to visit cousins in Utah when I was 12-years-old. And I had the classic job as a newspaper boy for my early teen years as my first steps as an entrepreneur. And after my first employment-free semester at Brigham Young University, I ended up working my way through school where I was always employed (at least part-time) during college.

However, it wasn’t until after I returned to BYU in 1977 following two years of volunteer missionary service to the greater Washington, D.C. area (more selling, right?), that I found my future career in the College of Fine Arts and Communications. Specifically, I was gonna go into the field of Public Relations, and I did.